Blog - About the Study

  • Premiere of ‘Any Other Business’ and Launch of Digital Toolkit on 23 February 15:00 – 16:30

    We are thrilled to present the premiere of ‘Any Other Business’, a movie inspired by our research, and the launch of a free digital Toolkit to help drive conversations about...

  • Launch of Employee Engagement Survey

    Take part in our survey As a part of our ESRC project, we are really pleased to announce the launch of a new survey targeting all employees working at NHS trusts...

  • One year into LGBT+ Networks

    We are now a year into the project and halfway through the data collection, working at full capacity with nine LGBT+ networks in different NHS organisations spread across England, Wales...

  • LGBT+ Networks Forum and Research Update

    Since our last blog post, there have been lots of exciting developments in the LGBT+ Networks research project, including the commencement of our fieldwork, meeting with our advisory board and...

  • Launch of LGBT+ Networks

    This week sees the launch of LGBT+ Networks, a major new research project from the University of York in partnership with NHS Employers, Stonewall and Employers Network for Equality &...